Your most crucial relationship is the one you have with yourself.

Step into your strength

You’ve probably tried several diets, shakes, detoxes, elimination plans, pills, points, portions, fasting plans thrown at most women.

Truthfully, they all kinda work.

For a time.

I get it.

The truth is… these approaches are ultimately restrictive, and one size fits some.

More insidious is the product design. Like many cell phones, they have built-in, planned obsolescence.

They are built to break.

Most plans, diets, detoxes, potions and pills are designed to keep you a customer, forever.

It’s a viscous cycle that profits off of your reliance, and your insecurities.

Gross, right?

I did it too!

It’s part of the path that brought me here, over 20 tears ago, to my calling.

Good coaches empower you to step into leadership.

I actually like to train myself out of a job.

What I mean by that is simply, I want you to be the captain of your own ship, and not dependent on anyone or anything outside of yourself for the clarity, consistency, and confidence needed to live your healthiest, most energized and joyful life you can.

Will you want a tune up from time to time? Sure! BUT…

Once you have mastered the skills that I am going to give you, you won’t need me.

How we collaborate

Got 5 Days?
Move. Breathe. Nourish.

Get the App
Completely customized & backed by science

The 12-week F.IT. Formula Masterclass - A program focused on lasting, meaningful results for your whole being

TheWellness Calendar

The Wellness Calendar is your key to daily enjoyment, stress reduction, and proactive living. Picture the impact of a tiny, daily win, just a few minutes long, cumulatively crafting an extraordinary year.

I created this Wellness Calendar based on a simple truth: small steps lead to big changes. It's about doing one thing consistently each day, not overwhelming yourself with a long list of tasks. This calendar is more than a schedule; it's a lifestyle shift, designed to guide you away from quick fixes and towards sustainable health practices. By breaking down wellness into bite-sized daily actions, it makes achieving your health goals feel manageable and rewarding. Think of it as your daily nudge towards a healthier, more balanced life, one small, achievable step at a time.

I first “met” Tara on Instagram, and I did the 5 day “move breathe nourish” jumpstart program, and I loved it.

I signed up after for the 12 week program, and it has radically changed how I think about food and movement. I have more energy, and less stress and it’s EASIER than I thought. I’m so glad I found you!

-Kate B, Providence, RI

Elizabeth J.

“After breastfeeding for 9 months while also wrangling a toddler, my posture was in trouble. I didn’t want an all-out personal training program,

I just wanted to get out of back pain, I’m working with Tara through her app is feel so much better!”

Tara Mazanec

“Restriction & deprivation do not work. Ever. Selection, and intuition are the key.”

Tara Mazanec, Wellness Expert and Sustainable Health Coach

Hi, I’m Tara Mazanec!

Sustainable Health and Fitness Coach. Diet Disruptor. Advocate for healthy women.

I’m a Wellness Expert with over two decades of experience specializing in fitness, nutrition, and daily behavior change. My passion is helping high achievers 35+ train smart with a sustainable fitness and fat loss approach, guiding you through life’s daily challenges while fostering a simple, consistent wellness routine.

I create comprehensive programs designed to empower you on your wellness journey. My programs go beyond just exercise, providing you with nutrition guidance and mindset coaching to ensure you achieve holistic well-being.

Whether you're looking to increase strength, improve flexibility, or simply enhance your overall health, my complete programs have you covered. You can trust that you’re receiving the support and knowledge you need to make lasting, positive changes. Embark on this transformative experience with me and our community, and discover the incredible potential that lies within you.

“Stop convincing yourself you can’t, remind yourself of all the reasons you MUST.”

-Tara Mazanec